- → Tane Mahuta
- → About Our Company
About Our Company
Display your company data
This bootstrap css example is contributed by Tane Mahuta, on 17-Jul-2024. Component is made with bootstrap css v.5.3. It is responsive. similar terms for this example is about me

Author Tane Mahuta
More Examples
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About us section
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Card de Producto Inspirada en Mercado Libre
Card diseñada para mostrar productos de forma atractiva y ordenada, inspirada en Mercado Libre. Incluye imagen fija, título uniforme, precio anterior tachado, precio actual con descuento y etiquetas promocionales como "Envío gratis". Incorpora un efecto hover con sombra acentuada y usa clases CSS para fácil integración y mantenimiento.
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HTML and Bootstrap for Registration Form
HTML: Personal Information Section: Includes fields for full name, email, date of birth, bio, and profile image. Company Information Section: Includes fields for company name, company size (using a dropdown), and location. Submit Button: A button to submit the form. CSS: Background Gradient: Applied to the body. Card Styling: Styled with rounded corners and padding. Button Styling: Custom colors for the submit button. Validation Styling: Highlight invalid fields and display error messages. JavaScript: Validation Logic: Checks if required fields are filled and updates the feedback area with error or success messages. Dynamic Feedback: Updates the form with success or error messages based on validation.
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404 page template
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