zobaidul kaziex


zobaidul kaziex


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  • User Profile Card with Bootstrap

    How to Use: Replace Image URL: Update the src attribute of the img tag to the actual URL of the user’s image. Update Text: Change the text inside the h5 and p elements to reflect the user’s actual name and biography

  • Pricing Page with Bootstrap and Icons

    HTML: Navbar: Provides navigation links, including a link to the Pricing page. Pricing Section: Contains three columns, each representing a pricing plan with a card layout. Icons: Font Awesome icons are used for visual representation (e.g., stars and check circles). CSS: Card Styling: Adds border, shadow, and hover effects to the pricing cards. Plan-Specific Styles: Different border colors for each pricing plan (Free, Gold, Platinum). Button Styles: Different button colors to match the card styles. JavaScript: No custom JavaScript is required for this static pricing page, but you can add interactivity if needed. How to Use: Customize Content: Update the plan names, prices, features, and button actions as needed. Replace Icons: Choose different Font Awesome icons if desired by updating the <i> elements.

  • Contact Us Page with Google Maps and Form Validation

    HTML: Form Fields: Includes fields for name, email, and message. Google Map: A div with an id of map where the Google Map will be displayed. Feedback Elements: <div> elements for displaying validation messages and success messages. CSS: Styling: Adds padding for the contact section, sets the map height, and styles feedback and success messages. JavaScript: Google Maps Initialization: Uses the Google Maps JavaScript API to create and display a map centered at specified coordinates. Replace YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY with your actual API key. Form Validation: Validates the input fields and displays appropriate messages if the input is invalid or missing. How to Use: Replace API Key: Insert your Google Maps API key in the script tag for Google Maps. Customize Coordinates: Update the latitude and longitude in the initMap function to reflect your actual location. Validation Rules: Customize validation logic as needed for your form requirements.

  • HTML and JavaScript for Product Showcase Page

    JavaScript: Pagination Handling: The script fetches images based on the current page and updates the pagination controls dynamically. Product Cards: Each product is displayed as a card with an image, title, description, and price

  • HTML and CSS for Hero Section

    Explanation: HTML: Hero Section: Uses a background image with a gradient overlay. Hero Content: Centered with a title, subtitle, and a call-to-action button. CSS: Hero Section Styling: Full viewport height with a gradient overlay for better text readability and a background image. Hero Content Styling: Centered with responsive padding and font sizes. Button Styling: Custom button colors and hover effects. Background Image: Placeholder URL: Replace 'https://via.placeholder.com/1920x1080' with the actual URL of your hero image

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Multi-layer Dropdown Header

    HTML: Added dropdown-submenu class to handle nested dropdowns. CSS: Dropdown Submenu: Positioned to the right of the parent dropdown. JavaScript: Event Listeners: Added to show and hide nested dropdowns on mouse enter and leave. How to Use: Create an header.html file and paste the updated code into it. Include Bootstrap and Font Awesome if needed for styling and icons.

  • Responsive footer using HTML and Bootstrap:

    HTML: Error Title: A large, bold number (e.g., 404) to indicate the error type. Error Message: A brief message explaining the error. Button: A button to navigate back to the home page. Adjust the href attribute to point to your actual home page URL. CSS: Background Gradient: Applied to the body to give a stylish look. Error Container: Centered on the page with a semi-transparent background for contrast. Button Styling: Custom colors for the button, including hover effects. How to Use: Create an error.html file and paste the above code into it. Place the error.html file in your web server’s error pages directory or configure your server to serve this file on error.

  • Error Page, you can use HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

    HTML: Error Title: A large, bold number (e.g., 404) to indicate the error type. Error Message: A brief message explaining the error. Button: A button to navigate back to the home page. Adjust the href attribute to point to your actual home page URL. CSS: Background Gradient: Applied to the body to give a stylish look. Error Container: Centered on the page with a semi-transparent background for contrast. Button Styling: Custom colors for the button, including hover effects.

  • HTML and Bootstrap for Registration Form

    HTML: Personal Information Section: Includes fields for full name, email, date of birth, bio, and profile image. Company Information Section: Includes fields for company name, company size (using a dropdown), and location. Submit Button: A button to submit the form. CSS: Background Gradient: Applied to the body. Card Styling: Styled with rounded corners and padding. Button Styling: Custom colors for the submit button. Validation Styling: Highlight invalid fields and display error messages. JavaScript: Validation Logic: Checks if required fields are filled and updates the feedback area with error or success messages. Dynamic Feedback: Updates the form with success or error messages based on validation.

  • Login Form with input field validation, and display error or success messages using only HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, you can follow this approach.

    HTML: Form Structure: Contains fields for username and password with validation attributes (required, minlength). Feedback Messages: Placeholder div for dynamic error messages. CSS: Background Gradient: Applied to the body. Card Styling: Rounded corners and centered layout. Button Styling: Custom colors for the submit button. Validation Styling: Borders and error message styling. JavaScript: Validation Logic: Basic client-side validation to check if fields are empty or meet minimum length requirements. Feedback Messages: Display appropriate error or success messages based on validation.

  • HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. This approach will be purely HTML and CSS without any JavaScript.

    HTML: Bootstrap Integration: Linked to Bootstrap CDN for styling. Form Structure: Contains input fields for name, email, and message, all within a card component. CSS: Background Gradient: Applied to the body for a visually appealing background. Card Styling: Rounded corners and padding for the card. Button Styling: Custom colors for the submit button, including hover effects. How to Use: Create an index.html file and copy the above code into it. Open the HTML file in your web browser to view the Contact Us form.

  • Bootstrap homepage with background color, hover effects, animations, and shadows added to enhance the design

    Features Added: Background Gradient: A smooth gradient background using linear-gradient. Card Shadow and Hover Effect: The card now lifts up with a shadow (box-shadow) and smooth transition (transform) on hover. Button Customization: A custom round button with hover color change. Animation: The card content animates with a "fade-in-up" effect using keyframe animation.

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